Vernepleierutdanningen Høgskolen i Molde

The program in Molde has a pleasant and inspiring learning environment, with good follow-up of dedicated teachers. The school is the right size and fit small. The social profession provides opportunities to help people with disabilities achieve greater independence and quality of life. Through targeted stimulation and training, we strive to develop the individual's self-determination, participation and mastery of daily life. Social educator's task may also be preventing disabilities.

Molde University College offers a three-year Social Education, starting in August.
Read more about social education program here:

Molde University College also has a part-time program, which was initiated in autumn 2012. New record for part-time education is not planned until at least autumn 2016.

In addition to a bachelor's degree in social education, we offer a variety of continuing education and master's degree in health and social care.
